Landscape Design School Course 3 – College Station, TX (In-Person Course)
College Station, TX College Station, TXIN-PERSON CLASSROOM
Flower Show Procedure: Lynn Fronk FSP – via Zoom Horticulture: Bessie Morse Horticulture Topics: Combination Plantings and Pine Design: Francis Thrash Design Topics: Creative Line Mass and Angular Designs
In-Person Classroom
Virtual via Zoom This is a course sponsored by National Garden Clubs, Inc. in St. Louis, MO
Flower Show Procedure :Carol English FSP – Virtual via Zoom on 10/15 Horticulture: Bessie Morse Topics: Succulents and Combination Plantings Design: Julia Clevett Topics: Creative Design and Creative Line Mass Design Horticulture and Design Sections take place from 10/10-10/12 SEE WEBSITE LISTING FOR COURSE BROCHURE DOWNLOAD: Be sure to review course brochure for important information pertaining [...]
Flower Show Procedure & Design: Cathy Waitinas Design Topic: Creative Design Horticulture: Pam Braun Horticulture Topics: Succulents and Combination Plantings
Flower Show Procedure & Design: Frances Thrash Design Topics: Creative Line Mass and Angular Designs Horticulture: Bessie Morse Horticulture Topics: Orchids and Combination Plantings
In-Person Course
Virtual Couse via Zoom
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